Packaging Partners, Ltd. was founded in 1996 as a consulting and sales organization. Our mission is the same today as it was then: bring a world of packaging opportunities to our customers, representatives and vendor partners.
Our customer partners need creative solutions to fulfill their packaging requirements. They need professional sales representation, and a vendor base that is not limited by equipment, market restraints or national borders.
Our sales representative partners need access to high quality vendors, professional and experienced logistics, financial stability and a service organization to meet their needs and the needs of their customers.
Our vendor partners need access to our national and international customer base, our professional sales representatives, and the security of working with a sound financial organization that maintains confidential relationships.
The Solution: Packaging Partners creates relationships between our customers, sales reps, and worldwide vendor base to bring custom packaging solutions to the marketplace.
Products and Services
• Vanguard™ and Clarity™ Lidding films for MAP fresh meats
• Cast and Blown Coextrusions for the food and medical markets
• Cast and Blown Sealant films for Retort, general converting, and
medical applications
• Printed and laminated, tandem extrusion laminated packaging films
for all markets
• Pouches, bags, and roll stock for all markets
• Package design and concept development, including prototypes
• Sourcing and procurement of packaging materials for most
applications and solutions
• International, national and regional storage and distribution of
packaging materials
• Complete importing and exporting services for packaging materials
New York
WORLD HEADQUARTERS Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Los Angeles, California Virginia
New York